125+ Fun Facts About Me - What MakeS Me Tick! (#99 Surprised Me) (2024)

125+ Fun Facts About Me - What MakeS Me Tick! (#99 Surprised Me) (1)

For those curious about who I am, this travel blog, and how I got started here are over 100 fun facts about me.

And these are some personal fun facts that you can take and make your own!

Having an interesting fact is a great ice breaker when meeting new people while traveling.

Or a random fact in your back pocket for a job interview, or starting a new conversation.

For me, throughout my 8 years traveling the world, I’ve had some pretty crazy adventures.

And I often pick a random fun fact from my random 500 bucket list ideas when chatting in hostel dorm rooms.

Fun Facts Like…

I’ve come face to face with a massive grizzly bearin the wilderness of Alaska.

Which was an interesting conversation where I was trying to talk calmly, while it walked towards me.

Driven 1/3 the planet in the Mongol Rally.

I even spent an afternoon in the back of a Russian cop car.

Life’s been a whirlwind of adventure and unpredictable moments for all of us.

I hope you find at least one great fun fact that you can take and add to your own list of personal fun facts.

At the bottom on this post you can download our FREE 49 Fun Facts About Youself Template!

Table of Contents


1 – My biggest adrenaline rush was Running with the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain.

The Mongol Rally is a close second. Both are great for stories for starting a conversation.

2 – My favorite hobby apart from traveling?

If I had to choose it would be a tie between reading, video games, and crypto.

3-Thescariest momentof my travels was when I was in the back of aRussian Cop car. Check out the video below!

4 – I have visited over 78 countries in my life. But I’m far from being done. I have a goal of visiting every country in the world.

5 – I’m originally from a small town in Ohio.

6 – My favorite season falls because of the mild and cool temperatures.

7 – I once spent 14 days camping in the wilderness of Alaska. And came face to face with a Grizzly Bear. It was the most terrifying, and rewarding experience of my life. But a good fun fact.

8 – I once walked out of a job interview but the interviewer cracked up that my laugh name was Schreck (Sounds like Shrek).

It also got some laughs from a Russian Border Guard.Who scared the living crap out of me! Funny facts eh!?

9 – Video Editing is one of my hidden talents.

10 – My three favorite countries are Italy, New Zealand, and Thailand. All for different reasons. I love the landscape of New Zealand, the culture, history, and food of Italy, and the food, price tag, and culture of Thailand.

11 – This is an embarrassing fact about me. But I have seen the Lord of the Rings Trilogy at least 20 times. It’s my favorite movie.

12 – The tint of my eyes changes depending on what I wear. If I wear green I have green eyes. If I wear blue they appear more bluish. It’s just a little fun thing about me.

13 – My favorite country is Italy. The country has played a huge role in my life. It was the first country I solo traveled to. It was the first country I took my mom to. I even met my wife at Carnival in Venice.

14 – Speaking of my wife. She is from Sweden, and I am in the process of moving to Sweden.

One not-so-fun fact about me is that immigration is a pain.

15 – My favorite food is lasagna. Not original, but it’s true.

16 – Not living is my biggest fear.

17 – I have a huge sweet tooth.Meaning I have to watch my diet very carefully or dark chocolate will ruin me.

18 – As much as I love sweets my favorite ice cream flavor is plain vanilla.

19 – The first time Iskydived it was over Lake Taupo in New Zealand. It was breathtaking.

20 – Sometimes I bite my nails. It’s a bad habit that I hate.

21 – If I had to choose. My favorite color is light blue. Although I feel too old to really have a favorite colour.

22 –The hobby that I could never give up on is traveling, obviously – it’s my favorite thing in the world.The goal of thistravel blogis to inspire as many people as possible to travel.

23 – I’m not really into sports. But my favorite sport growing up was basketball.

24 – I can’t live without potatoes. Mashed Potato, French Fries, or just fried, I don’t care. It must be my Irish Heritage.

25 – In 2018 I celebrated three different New Year’saround the world. New Year’s Eve in America. Chinese New Year in February in Yinchuan, and Thai New Year in April. That was the year B.E. 2561 on the Thai Buddhist Calendar.

26 – My favorite cuisine is pasta, especially when I ambackpacking Italyon the cheap. Thai is a close second.

27 – When I am hungover I want an ice-cold co*ke.

28 – Speaking of soda. I hate diet co*ke. Actually, I hate all diet drinks.

29 – I once drove from London England to Ulaanbaatar Mongolia. The journey took almost 60 days and covered 1/3 of the world and gave me a funny story that I love sharing with people.

30 – My non-alcoholic drink of choice is a chaser for my alcohol.

31 – My alcoholic drink of choice is tequila.

32 – The thing I find most attractive in a person is their eyes. Personality-wise, it is a carefree, go-with-the-flow attitude.

33 – I mostly listen to audiobooks over music. I love learning!

34 – I’m an avid reader. As I am going through books and blogs I look for descriptive words to help expand my vocabulary.

35 – I’m allergic to bees. If we are ever traveling together and you see me start running around in a panic….. it’s because of a bee.

36 – My favorite type of people are dreamers who take action. Just a random fun fact.

37 – My pet peeve is the sound of a fork scraping on someone’s teeth. It physically sends a sharp pain through my head. I don’t know why.

38 – My least favorite country is Kazakhstan. (But I was insanely sick most of the time).

39 – I hate the smell of freshly cut grass. It sends me into a sneezing fit.

40 – I’m most scared of dying without living.

41 – People who are indecisive really annoy me.

42 – The most boring sport to watch is all sports.

43 – One interesting thing, every time I am in Rome I sit at the Colosseum during sunset and have a beer. It might seem like a random thing. But I’ve done it since my first solo trip.

44 – I can speak a little Thai (I’ve spent a lot of timebackpacking Thailand) and a small amount of Chinese. Chinese was the hardest to learn. I am in the middle of learning Swedish

45 – I can bake the most amazing cheesecake. Baking is a new hobby of mine.

46 – I can do a really good Scottish accent. Well, I think it is good.

47 – The Comic Book Museum (one of the coolestthings to do in Brussels) is one of the most unique museums I’ve visited.

48 – I once wrote a book about Planning an Around World Trip. You can read it for free with Kindle Unlimited.

49 – I strive everyday to live in the moment. And to better myself.

50 – Happy Birthday! I’ve spent many a birthday on the road. Some of my birthdays have been spent under the Eiffel Tower, Sleeping on a dock in Greece, in Thailand, and Queenstown New Zealand – just to name a few.

51 – I work harder than most people. I have a rigorous morning routine. When I am not traveling I am up at 2 a.m. to start working. I believe in early mornings lead to conquering the day.

52 – I have another blog calledCopenhagen Rocks. It’s new, but it’s already showing great promise.

53 – I first traveled solo when I was 22. To Italy, Greece, and Turkey a trip that changed my life. And a big reason why Italy is still my favorite place.

54 – I believe peanut butter is a good thing for all mankind. Especially if it is a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich.

55 – I got a Sak Yant Tattoo in Thailand. And the picture was featured in Forbes.

56 – New Zealand has the most stunning landscape on the planet. There is no other place like it on the planet. Thepoints of interest in New Zealandare simply unforgettable.

57 – The Tongariro Crossing, in New Zealand, is the best day hike I’ve ever been on.

58 – Another fun fact about me … throughout my travels, I have lived in 5 countries. The USA, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, and Sweden.

59 – My next trip is to Ecuador in the fall.

60 – I love to travel so much because it brings the world to life, makes me a better person, and lets you visit some of themost beautiful places in the world.

61 – The one thing I always take on my travels is a good book, and the rest of my travel gear I can’t live without.

62 – When I go on an adventure, I like to not plan very much and go where the road takes me.

63 – The most remote place I have ever been to is Bangladesh. In almost three weeks I only saw one other westerner (and they were working at the hospital)

64 – I have 1 sibling – an older brother.

65 – I am the youngest child in my family.

66 – I don’t want a kid or kids.

67 – In Ohio, I have a Great Dane named Apollo. He’s huge, but I love him. And I miss him everyday I am gone.

125+ Fun Facts About Me - What MakeS Me Tick! (#99 Surprised Me) (2)

68 – My fondest childhood family memory is playing in the woods around my house. (We lived on a farm for a few years).

69 – My blogs offer a couple of great coupons. Like thisAirbnb coupon code, and thisUber Promo Code.

70 – I have been with my spousefor 2 year. We have no children. And no plans to have any. We still have a lot of traveling to do.

71 – My great grandparents immigrated to America from Ireland.

72 – My family name is Schreck (sounds like Shrek – but I’m not green) And it means Frightened Ghost.

73 – I have known my best friend for 20 years.

74 – In my group of friends, I am considered the adventurous one.

75 – My friends and I most often talk about music.

76 – I’ve spent most of the last 8 years traveling the world. I’ve spent most of that time in Europe, Asia, and Oceania.

77 – I have been a bridesmaid to one of my closest friends when she got married.

78 – The first country I traveled too overseas was Ireland. I’ve gone back many times since checking out all thebest places to visit in Irelandand checking my list of40 things to do in Dublin.

79 – My friends and I used to spend our long summers partying at various lakes.

80 – My favorite subject at school was history

81 – My dream job is working as a travel blogger. But there are all sorts of other jjobs to travel..

82 – But when I was a child, I wanted to be a conductor when I grew up.

83 – My first ever job was cooking at Pizza Hut.

84 – My first proper job after graduating was blogging.

85 – My most embarrassing job was food delivery.

86 – The thing I like most about my job is helping others travel.

87 – My favorite part of the world is Europe. I’ve been to almost every country on the continent.

88 – But I still have a huge list of the best places to visit in Europe that I am dying to get to.

89 – I’m practically addicted to coffee. I drink at least two pots a day.

90 – A few of my inspirations are David Goggins, Joe Rogan, Michael Jordan, and Kobe Bryant.

91 – I collect plane tickets from every country I visit. I post them on Social Media at the end of most years.

92 – I’m never been able to get the hang of surfing. Even with the help of friends couching me.

93 – I’ve been to Thailand 6 times and spent almost 2 years in the country.

94 – Another fun fact about traveling. I’ve been to Italy at least 12 times. I can’t get enough. I love Italy.

95 – I released baby turtles back into the wild in Malaysia.

96 – I’m super proud of my instagram! It’s my favorite social media platform. You should follow along. (Also my facebook page).

97 – My guilty pleasure is cream cheese icing.

98 – The achievement I am most proud of is that I’ve had the courage to follow my dreams.

99 – A couple of interesting tidbits. I don’t sleep a lot. On average 5 – 6 hours a night. (My iPhone says 3.5 hours – but I choose not to believe it). And I am an extreme early morning person. 4 a.m. everyday.

100 – My idea of Heaven on Earth is wandering the world living out of my backpack. I know right!

100.5 – I’ve stayed in hundreds of hotels and hostels. I prefer hostels because of the social atmosphere. (What is a hostellike? Find out here).

101 – I’ve only crashed a motorbike once. While road-tripping around Burma. It made me suffer a few bruised ribs and a road rash on my arms and legs. Even though I could barely walk I was on a motorbike two days after.

102 – The best advice I ever received is to live your life like a documentary crew is following you around.

103 – My first car was a 2005 Brown….something. I can’t remember.

104 – I have never tried Kimchi, but I know I would love it.

105 – I have 8 tattoos and/or 3 piercings. 6 of my tattoos are travel-related, and I’ve gotten them in various different countries.

106 – My favorite childhood toy was the gold sword from the movie Hook.

107 – I spend far too much money on video games. Admitting this is an embarrassing moment for me.

108 – My celebrity crush is Natalie Dormer.

109 – The first thought when I wake up in the morning is normally “Win the Morning.” It is an interesting fact. But more important and vital practice to owning the day.

110 – My earliest memory is of our family dog in the hallway. That’s a random fact.

111 – If I could live in any other era of history, it would be the Roman era because of obsessed their history. I’d also like to see the Old Kingdom in Egypt.

112 – I would most like to learn portrait photography. Eventually, I want to start photographing tribes in South America. It would be a fun way to preserve their history.

113 – One fun fact about me is that I daydream of having my own travel show.

114 – The thing I love most about me is my drive and ambition.

115 – My worst habit is biting my nails.

116 – If my life were made into a film, I’d like Tom Hardy to play me.

117 – If I could live anywhere on the planet, it would be the Amalfi Coast in Italy.

118 – I do believe in extraterrestrial life.

119 – I once met Guy Fieri in a castle in Italy.

120 – Spiderman is one of the best superhero’s.

121 – I hate any scary movie. Literally, all of them.

122 – I don’t think I have a hidden talent.

123 – I am a stoic. Which is why love the stoicism quotes.. And the philosophy has changed my life.

124 – I don’t have a favorite song. But my favorite band is Rainbow Kitten Surprise.

125 – I’ve never suffered from panic attacks.

16 Bonus Interesting Facts About Me

  1. My favorite T.V show is Breaking Bad. Although, I was obsessed with Lost. And my favorite TV show still running is Peaky Blinders.
  2. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would be Tacos.
  3. I hope to retire on the coast of Italy with my wife someday.
  4. My favorite post on the blog is backpacking guides.
  5. I often use quotes to get me over fear. I wrote down my favoritelife is short quotes, andquotes about adventure.
  6. I’m grumpy in the mornings.
  7. I once saved for two years straight for my first trips around the world.
  8. I hate mushrooms with a passion. One of the funny things that people also give me grief for.
  9. I am always trying to become better and eliminate my bad habits.
  10. I love spicy food. It’s a guilty pleasure.
  11. I’ve bungee jumped three times in New Zealand and Nepal.
  12. I’ve started a city blog: Copenhagen Rocks. Maybe someday when someone ask ”What is Denmark famous for“?, I’ll make the list.
  13. I also sometimes make video game reviews on my youtube channel –Ginger Gamer Guy
  14. I hate mint chocolate chip ice cream.
  15. I think being a tv host would be a dream job.
  16. My favorite sports team is the Chicago Bulls because as a kid I was obsessed with Jordan. But I can’t really call them my favorite sports team, because I don’t watch sports.
  17. New York is my favorite big city in the United States.
  18. I am running out of random facts about myself.
  19. I never went to high school. I was homeschooled with like 25 other kids.
  20. I lived outside Los Angeles for a year.
  21. Star Trek or Star Wars? May the force be with me, baby.
  22. I spent a New Year Even in New York City. And it was the best NYE of my life.
  23. I am native to the English Language, but I would not say I have mastered it.
  24. I would describe myself as having many skill, or skills in many different fields. But the master of none. This is something I mean to remedy.
  25. Public speaking is something I aspire to, but it absolutely terrifies me.
  26. I can’t pick a favorite President. But if I was forced it would most likely be Abraham Lincoln.
  27. I have a lot of favorite books. But I think my all-time favorite book isMeditationsby Marcus Aurelius’. There are some many Marcus Aurelius’ quotes.’. Close second might be Harry Potter.
  28. If I could be anywhere right now it would be sitting on a beach in Costa Rica, writing a blog post, and coming up with even more personal facts to share with you guys. Hum may be my favorite childhood memory.

There we go! Over 100 fun facts about me! Which one did you find most interesting? Use the comments below and share a fun fact about yourself. Travel or otherwise.

Want more fun facts? Then check out these101 Facts About Italyor Facts About Greece.

125+ Fun Facts About Me - What MakeS Me Tick! (#99 Surprised Me) (3)

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Hi! I’m Stephen Schreck! A travel addict, wordsmith, and shutterbug.

My goal is to help you travel smarter!

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125+ Fun Facts About Me - What MakeS Me Tick! (#99 Surprised Me) (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.