Visions Of Mana: Elemental Aerie Trials Guide (2024)

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  • Where To Find Every Lesser Elemental Aerie

  • How To Beat The Greater Elemental Aeries

Visions of Mana takes you across a large, diverse world packed with vibrant colours, loveable enemies, and oodles of side objectives. While many of them are mundane, they give you more of what the game is good at, and that's the combat.


How Many Mana Games Are There?

The little sibling to Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, the Mana series has plenty of its own games for you to sink hundreds of hours into.

Elemental Aeries are some of the most numerous optional pieces of content in the game, and there sure are a lot. Each of them is associated with an element, with a similar combat challenge within. Some of them really ramp up the difficulty as well, but we're here to help out.

Where To Find Every Lesser Elemental Aerie

Visions Of Mana: Elemental Aerie Trials Guide (2)

For each Element, there are Lesser Elemental Aeries, and Greater Elemental Aeries. Each Element has three Lesser Elemental Aeries, and then one Greater Elemental Aerie. Therefore, that means there are 24 Lesser Elemental Aeries, and eight Greater Elemental Aeries.

That's quite a few! You'll likely come across the majority of them on your journey, but forget about them by time you can actually beat them. We've included the locations of each and every one of them below, as well as the items they award you.

Before you can challenge a Greater Aerie, you must beat the three Lesser Elemental Aeries first.

Fire Lesser Aeries

The three Lesser Fire Elemental Aeries are as follows:

  • Khaswia Moors, by the raised pillars near Tatoh Temple. The reward is the Wrath of Fire Ability Seed.
  • Pritta Ridge, on the small island near the eastern entrance. The reward is Consecutive Casting: Fire Ability Seed.
  • Charred Passage, south of Dorpher Volcano. The reward is the Blaze Wall Ability Seed.

Water Lesser Aeries

The three Lesser Water Elemental Aeries are as follows:

  • Ahrvet's Pasture, just by the southern beach. The reward is the Consecutive Casting: Water Ability Seed.
  • Khaswia Moors, along the coastline. The reward is the Wrath of Water Ability Seed.
  • Pritta Ridge, in the marshes near the Greater Water Elemental Aerie. The reward is the Cure Water Ability Seed.

Wind Lesser Aeries

The three Lesser Wind Elemental Aeries are as follows:

  • Aery Passage, on the eastern side of the opening area. The reward is Thunderbolt Ability Seed.
  • Zawhak Desert, on a cliff overlooking a set of ruined buildings in the south. The reward is the Wrath of Wind Ability Seed.
  • Lefeya Drifts, on the eastern side of the ravine. The reward is the Consecutive Casting: Wind Ability Seed.

Earth Lesser Aeries

The three Lesser Earth Elemental Aeries are as follows:

  • Aery Passage, in the northern section. The reward is the Earthquake Ability Seed.
  • Ahrvet's Pasture, on a high hill overlooking the pastures. The reward is the Consecutive Casting: Earth Ability Seed.
  • Zawhak Desert, right by the entrance to Gamurda Mines. The reward is the Wrath of Fire Ability Seed.

Moon Lesser Aeries

The three Lesser Moon Elemental Aeries are as follows:

  • Fallow Steppe, by the series of low hills with a tower near the centre. The reward is the Consecutive Casting: Moon Ability Seed.
  • Lefeya Drifts, on a small hill to the far east. The reward is the Moon Rend Ability Seed.
  • Pritta Ridge, on the hill overlooking the gate leading to Illystana. The reward is the Wrath of the Moon Ability Seed.

Wood Lesser Aeries

The three Lesser Wood Elemental Aeries are as follows:

  • Ahrvet's Pasture, by the small wooden bridge separating the pasture. The reward is the Consecutive Casting: Wood Ability Seed.
  • Charred Passage, in the bend in the road past the Ancient Ruins. The reward is the Revivifier Ability Seed.
  • Khaswia Moors, on a hill just south of the Ancient Ruins. The reward is the Wrath of Wood Ability Seed.

Light Lesser Aeries

The three Lesser Light Elemental Aeries are as follows:

  • Charred Passage, on the mountain across the bridge just west of the Aery Passage entrance. The reward is the Celestial Burst Ability Seed.
  • Fallow Steppe, located right on the western tip of the area. The reward is the Consecutive Casting: Light Ability Seed.
  • Zawhak Desert, right by the eastern edge of the sand sea in the centre. The reward is the Wrath of Light Ability Seed.

Darkness Lesser Aeries

The three Lesser Darkness Elemental Aeries are as follows:

  • Aery Passage, on a set of ruins in the watery section of the map. The reward is the Dark Rain Ability Seed.
  • Fallow Steppe, along a small body of water just south of the Ancient Ruins. The reward is the Wrath of Darkness Ability Seed.
  • Lefeya Drifts, located on top of the hill by the entrance, accessed by a gust of wind. The reward is the Consecutive Casting: Darkness Ability Seed.

How To Beat The Greater Elemental Aeries

Visions Of Mana: Elemental Aerie Trials Guide (3)

After the respective trio of Lesser Elemental Aeries of an element are conquered, you may then proceed on to the Greater Elemental Aerie. While the Lesser Elemental Aeries tend to just be waves of enemies, the Greater Elemental Aeries tend to have a specific challenge associated with them and are much harder as a result.

Once a Greater Elemental Aerie is available to challenge, its location will be highlighted on the Fast Travel map from Meridians.

Now there are some key differences in Greater Elemental Aeries compared to their Lesser versions.

  • Your Elemental Vessels recharge instantly. This means you can functionally use them infinitely. This does not apply to Elemental Breaks, however.
  • Should you die or time run out, you will typically be fully restored. This means any Class Strikes used will also be refilled.
  • Items used in the Aerie are returned afterwards, so feel free to use your best items to keep you going.

Keep in mind that you enter an Aerie in the state you are in when you activate it. As such, it's recommended to be at full HP and MP before you enter, as well as charging up your Class Strike and Elemental Break.

Fire Greater Aerie

The Fire Greater Elemental Aerie is found just to the west of the entrance to Dorpher Volcano in Charred Passage. This area cannot be accessed until you've reached partway through Chapter Seven.

This Elemental Aerie has you up against a series of enemies called Dark Funks, all Level 67. We were Level 62 while doing this Aerie. There are two waves, and their only weakness is Water. However, they are immune to physical attacks, making magical attacks the most effective means of bringing them down. You have 30 seconds.

We used Morley's Geyser ability from the Ascetic Class to defeat the first wave while using the Nightblade Class to get consistent critical hits on each attack. For the second wave, we used their Class Strike to wipe out the wave immediately.

The reward for beating this Aerie is the Oath of Embers Ability Seed, which increases the amount of mana obtained when using an elemental vessel by 30%

Water Greater Aerie

The Water Greater Elemental Aerie is found in the south of Pritta Ridge, towering over the marshlands.

This Aerie is filled with Pincher Crabs, all of whom are Level 1. This may make it seem ludicrously simple, but there are also three waves of them and more crabs in each. 20 seconds isn't so much when there are that many crabs.

For this, it's best to take advantage of the infinite Elemental Vessel and use the Undine Flask to blast the crabs. If you need to reposition, it's faster to dodge than turning around while aiming, since the Vessel recharges instantly. Once you reach the third wave, pop your Class Strike to finish them off.

The reward for beating this Aerie is the Oath of Tides Ability Seed, which extends the duration of an Elemental Break by 30%

Wind Greater Aerie

The Wind Greater Elemental Aerie is impossible to miss, located smack dab in the middle of the Aery Passage, staring you in the face when you first enter the area.

The enemies within the Aerie are all Level 99. This may seem incredibly daunting, though it's more of a scare tactic than anything else. That said, they do still pack a punch, so try to be at least in the 60-70 level range before taking this on. You have two minutes to defeat two waves.

Make sure you're gathering up Lil Cactus and using Miracle Cookies frequently to get the maximum EXP in every scenario.

You have two minutes to complete this challenge. Having Palamena with Earthquake and Consecutive Casting can be very helpful here as the enemies are weak to Earth, though we managed to beat the challenge at Level 60 primarily with just Val as a Rune Knight and Stone Saber, finishing off the second wave with a Class Strike.

The reward for beating this Aerie is the Oath of Gales Ability Seed, which shortens the cooldown of an Elemental Vessel by 30%.

Earth Greater Aerie

The Earth Greater Elemental Aerie is found south of the coast, to the west after passing through the gateway into the Zawhak Desert proper.

Inside are a series of Level 33 enemies, all of them weak to Wind. There are three waves, which must all be beaten within 1:30 minutes. Unlike most other Greater Elemental Aeries, this one is mainly a test of strength and can be beaten with relative ease.

We used Morley as a Nightbalde during this challenge at Level 28, using Val to buff his weapons with Wind to make him more effective and beat the challenge with ease.

The reward for beating this Aerie is the Oath of Dominion Ability Seed, which reduces the damage you take during an Elemental Break by 80%.

Moon Greater Aerie

The Moon Greater Elemental Aerie is found deep in the south of Lefeya Drifts, on the eastern side of the Ravine.

The enemies within are all Level 29, comprised entirely of Wizard Eyes and Beholders. We were Level 24 while taking on this challenge, though the enemies have quite low health anyway, dying in only a hit or two. You have 20 seconds to beat three waves of enemies.

We beat them by utilising animation cancelling, using Val's Weapon Master Earth Class and the fast strikes of his Short Sword and finishing off the third wave with his Class Strike. Another tactic you can use is to allow the enemies to defeat your allies one by one. They deal such an absurd amount of damage that they instantly fill your Class Strike, giving you enough to defeat each wave with a Class Strike.

The reward for beating this Aerie is the Oath of Renewal Ability Seed, which causes Moves to consume 60% less MP during an Elemental Break.

Wood Greater Aerie

The Wood Greater Elemental Aerie is found in Ahrvet's Pasture on the hill overlooking the ocean, west of the beach.

The enemies within are all Level 32, while we are Level 27 at the time of taking it on. Since Wood has no opposing weakness, the enemies here instead each have individual weaknesses. The enemies you will fight are Frost Dragons, Kid Drakonis', Kid Drazombies, and Kid Dragons. You have 1:50 minutes to defeat three waves.

While you could try to target each of their elemental weaknesses, this can be quite tough and time-consuming considering how many enemies there are. We used Morley as a Nightlbade and took advantage of the slowing effect of the Luna Globe to keep the dragons trapped in one place to centralise the damage, finishing it all off with a Class Strike.

Your reward for beating this Aerie is the Oath of Boughs Ability Seed, which makes it so Moves of the same element as the current Elemental Break will consume no MP while it is active.

Light Greater Aerie

The Light Greater Elemental Aerie is found just at the back of the Radiant Playhouse Terratio town, and before the Wendel Temple entrance.

The enemies in this Aerie are all at Level 40, while we were Level 35 at the time of battling it. You have two minutes to defeat four waves.

Like the Earth Greater Elemental Aerie, this is more a test of strength and perseverance. Every enemy within is weak to Darkness, so make sure to take advantage of this. The most important part is keeping your whole team up, so make sure you're buffed and healed consistently.

Because the enemies are of the Light element, the Lumina Lantern will fail to link any of them together.

The reward for beating this Aerie is the Oath of Radiance Ability Seed, which increases the damage of Class Strikes performed during an Elemental Break by 70%.

Darkness Greater Aerie

The Darkness Greater Elemental Aerie is found in Log'grattzo along the eastern edge of the beach.

Keep in mind that since this must be challenged in a town, you cannot change your party without leaving the town entirely.

The enemies in this Aerie are all Level 48, while we were Level 49 when we completed it. You have only 20 seconds to defeat two waves of enemies.

The key to this trial is to use Lumina's Lantern to link all the enemies together so they share the damage they take. We used the Elemental Break for Lumina's Lantern with Palamena and cast Celestial Burst with Consecutive Casting on the first wave, and then used her Class Strike to deal with the second wave.

The reward for beating this Aerie is the Oath of Shadows Ability Seed, which lowers all enemies' Attack and Magic Attack stats by 20% during an Elemental Break.

With this, you have defeated every Elemental Aerie, Lesser and Greater, that there is to find in Visions of Mana, and will unlock the Aeriedynamic trophy/achievement as a final reward. Congratulations!


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Visions Of Mana: Elemental Aerie Trials Guide (2024)
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