Visions Of Mana: Where To Find Every Elemental Plot Expansion Item (2024)

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  • What Are Elemental Plot Expansion Items?

  • Every Elemental Plot Expansion Item Location

As is standard in most times, you level up. This is a pretty normal approach to increasing your strength in games. When you really want to add some fine-tuning to that upgrade process though, that's when you add some skill trees. And Visions of Mana has skill trees in abundance.

Every class in Visions comes with a skill tree called an Elemental Plot, though these are gated to a degree. You can only gain so many skills before you have to unlock more with character-specific tonics. We're here to help you find them all and get you upgraded the way you want.

What Are Elemental Plot Expansion Items?

Visions Of Mana: Where To Find Every Elemental Plot Expansion Item (2)

In Visions of Mana, each Elemental Vessel comes with a class of its own. With eight Vessels, that gives eight classes for each character, plus a ninth in their default class. While the default class cannot be upgraded, e ach of these elemental classes has 11 upgrade nodes, with the first available by default. Initially, you can only upgrade as far as the fourth node in each class. Each tonic unlocks a new stage of the Elemetnal Plot as follows:

  • The first tonic unlocks nodes five to seven.
  • The second tonic unlocks nodes eight and nine.
  • The third and final tonic unlocks nodes ten and eleven.

Once a tonic is used, it unlocks the next set of nodes across every class, not just the currently equipped or available classes.

As such, there are three tonics to be found for each character, totalling 15 tonics total to fully unlock each character's Elemental Plot.

Every Elemental Plot Expansion Item Location

Visions Of Mana: Where To Find Every Elemental Plot Expansion Item (3)

Excluding the very last set of tonics, none of them are optional. This means that you won't miss any of them except for potentially the last set, while also meaning you can't get them earlier either. Let's dive in and find them all.

Val's Elemental Plot Expansion Items

Val's first Soul Guard Tonic is also the first tonic you'll encounter. It's acquired at the end of the first Chapter, and awarded to you after defeating Kraken aboard the Primm.

Val's second Soul Guard tonic is rewarded to you near the end of Chapter Seven with the defeat of Vaulchibel, the Benevodon of Fire.

Careena's Elemental Plot Expansion Items

Careena's first Wind Oracle Tonic is acquired during Chapter Two in Dura Gorge while on the way to the Deade Cliffs. Defeating the boss here, Du'Inke, will give you the Wind Oracle Tonic.

Careena's second Wind Oracle Tonic is acquired in Chapter Seven after the defeat of Besseroth, Benevodon of Wind, in the Wind Sanctum.

Morley's Elemental Plot Expansion Items

Morley's first Radiant Knight Tonic is acquired in Chapter Two by defeating the boss of the Luka Ruins, Fullmetal Hugger.

Morley's second Radiant Knight Tonic is gained in Chapter Seven in Castle Cresceno by defeating Tor Marne, Benevodon of the Moon.

Palamena's Elemental Pot Expansion Items

Palamena's first Water Queen Tonic is gained by defeating Vuscav in Tatoh temple during Chapter Four.

Her second Water Queen Tonic is acquired in Chapter Seven by defeating Gandoom, Benevodon of Water in the Luka Ruins Undertemple.

Julei's Elemental Plot Expansion Items

Julei's first Wood Sprite Tonic is acquired after defeating Grapplavine in Chapter Four. Funnily enough, this is gained before Julei even joins the party.

The second Wood Sprite Tonic for Julei is acquired in Chapter Seven on the Floating Isle of Ulul. You get it after beating Floarat, Benevodon of Wood.

The Final Elemental Plot Expansion Items

Visions Of Mana: Where To Find Every Elemental Plot Expansion Item (4)

Notably, while all of the other ten tonics are found throughout the game's story, the final set of tonics can't be acquired until after you've finished the game with Chapter 10. After this, you will unlock a new post-game chapter, Chapter 11.

At this point, you can visit the Grizzly Exchange anywhere in the world and they will sell one of each character's respective tonics. These cost only 20 Grizzly Syrup each, so you should be able to easily cover the cost.


How Many Mana Games Are There?

The little sibling to Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, the Mana series has plenty of its own games for you to sink hundreds of hours into.

Visions Of Mana: Where To Find Every Elemental Plot Expansion Item (2024)
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